30 Before 30

I am sure everyone has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they reach a certain age. I have always had one in the back of my mind, but as 30 years old is approaching faster and faster everday, I made a short 30 Before 30 List. It is still a work in progress and I like it to be that way.

1. See the Aurora Borealis.
2. Visit Alaska.
3. Hike part of the Appalachian Mountains.
4. Learn to sew.
5. Complete a marathon.
6. Visit several (three) new countries.
7. Make donating blood to the Red Cross a habit.
8. Compete in a horse show.
9. Go back to Graduate school.
10. Visit all the Smithsonian Museums.
11. Start a small business.
12. Make letter writing to my family and friends a habit.
13. Continue to eat healthy for my 30s...
14. See a Red Sox game. (September 2014)
15. Explore southern Maine. (August 2014)
16. Learn to ski. (February 2014)
17. Visit my family in Louisiana.

To be continued...

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