Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year, New Fitness Goals

Around Christmas, I try to come up with a new fitness goal for the next year. My sister is a runner and potentially wants to run the Boston Marathon in the near future. She mentioned to me and my husband about running the Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon. I haven't been a avid runner since high school when I ran cross country for two years, but in all honesty, I miss the runner's high I used to get. Therefore, fitness goal #1 will be to diligently train for this half marathon to prove to myself that I can actually do it,which also leads into my second fitness goal. I was planning on participating in the Nantucket Triathlon last summer, but unfortunately, when I moved to the North Shore, I could not bring my road bike. My Mom brought it last summer 20 days before the race and I did not feel that I could properly train for me. This summer, I am going to prepare to own that race.

New Fitness Goals:
#1: Train and participate in the Heartbreak Hill Half Marathon.
#2: Complete the Nantucket Triathlon

Here are some fitness goodies I own to help me get the best work out in:
New Year, New Fitness Goals

If you have any advice on training, please share!!

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